Bagi rekan-rekan yang sedang membutuhkan referensi penelitian, skripsi, tesis, maupun disertasi, kami menyediakan jurnal international di bidang ekonomi islam yaitu Review of Islamic Economics. Jurnal bergengsi berbahasa Inggris ini dipublikasikan oleh International Association fo Islamic Economics yang berada di bawah naungan The Islamic Foundation. Jurnal tersedia dalam bentuk PDF (full text). Di bawah ini daftar jurnalnya. Untuk pemesanan dan informasi lebih lanjut hubungi atau 085225918312
Tersedia juga jurnal Islamic Economic Studies, International Journal of Islamic Financial Services, Review of Islamic Economics, Iqtishad, La Riba, Journal of Islamic Business and Economics, Proceeding 6th International Conference on Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance, IIUM Journal of Economics and Management, Journal of King Abdul Aziz University: Islamic Economics dan masih banyak yang lainnya. Kami juga menyediakan skripsi, paper, jurnal terbitan dalam maupun luar negeri yang sedang anda butuhkan. Bidang ekonomi islam maupun ekonomi konvensional semua tersedia. Kami siap mencarikan dan mengirimkannya.
Vol. 1, No. 1, 1991
1. The Need for A New Economic System by M. Umer Chapra
2. Risk Aversion, Moral Hazard and Financial Islamization Policy by Seif I. Tag el-Din
Vol. 1, No. 2, 1991
1. Time Value of Money and Discounting In Islamic Perspective by M. Fahim Khan
2. Stabilization and Growth in An Open Islamic Economy by Iqbal Zaidi and Abbas Mirakhor
3. Some Economic Aspects of Mudharabah by Muhammad Nejatullah Siddiqi
Vo1. 2, No. 1, 1992
1. Islam and The Economic System by Mohsin S. Khan and Abbas Mirakhor
2. Saving and Investment Under Mudarabah Finance by Shamim Ahmad Siddiqui and Mohsen Fardmanesh
Vo1. 2, No. 2, 1993
1. The Concept of Zakah Evasion: An Economic Interpretation by Ali Diabi
2. An Overview of Public Borrowing in Early Islamic History by Muhammad Nejatullah Siddiqi
Vo1. 3, No. 1, 1994
1. Contemporary Accounting Practices and Islamic Banking by Muhammad Amanullah Khan
2. Some Controversies in Contemporary Macroeconomics: An Islamic Perspective by Shamim A. Siddiqui
3. Debt and Equity Contracts in The Theory of Social Economy by Usamah A. Uthman
Vo1. 3, No. 2, 1994
1. Comments on Paper "Contemporary Accounting Practices and Islamic Banking" by M.A. Khan Published in Vol.3, No.1, 1994 pp. 51-61 by Abdul Jabar Khan
2. The Federal Shari'ah Court Judgment on Riba and The Unresolved Issues by M. Akram Khan
3. Accounting Postulates and Principles from An Islamic Perspective by Eltegani Abdulgader Ahmed
4. Time Value of Money and Discounting in Islamic Perspective: Revisited by Monzer Kahf
Vo1. 4, No. 1, 1995
1. Islamic Financial Instruments: Definition and Types by Abdul Awwal Sarker
2. Two Aspects of Exchange in Islamic Jurisprudence: Rejoinder by M. L. A. Bashar
Vo1. 4, No. 2, 1997
1. Progress and Challenges of Islamic Banking by Abbas Mirakhor
2. An in-Kind Tax on Agricultural Product, Agricultural Land and Livestock: A Preliminary Study in The Comparative Economics of Taxation by Usamah A. Uthman
No. 9, 2000
1. Why has Islam Prohibited Interest? Rationale behind The Prohibition of Interest by M. Umer Chapra
2. Islamic Bank: Concept, Precept and Prospects by Muhammad Nejatullah Siddiqi
3. Some Strategic Suggestions for Islamic Banking in the 21th Century by Dr. Fuad Abdullah Al-Omar and Dr. Munawar Iqbal
4. Islamic Finance and Banking: The Challenge and Prospects by Khursid Ahmad
5. Economic Development in Islamic Perspective: Revisited by Ausaf Ahmad
6. Speculation in The Stock Market from an Islamic Perspective by Hussin Salamon
7. Theory of Ownership and Islam: A Case Study of the Islamic Republic of Iran by Parviz S. Rad and Muhammad Ahsan
No. 10, 2001
1. The Origin of Islamic Economics by Abdelhamid Brahimi
2. The Role of Zakah in an Interactive Model of Non-Wage Labour Force Activity by Masudul Alam Choudhury and M. Kabir Hassan
3. Islamic Banking: Issues in Prudential Regulation and Supervision by Luca Errico and Mitra Farahbaksh
4. Economics, Ethics and Religion: A Rejoinder to Wilson by Syed Nawab Haider Naqvi
No. 11, 2002
1. Growing Mainstream Relevance of Islamic Finance: A Critical Review of Recent Literature by Humayon A Dar
2. Islamic Asset Management: An Expanding Sector by Stella Cox
3. Fixed vs. Variable Return Models: An Analysis of Choice under Finanical Risk by Seif I. Tag El-Din
4. Parallels Between Islamic and Ethical Banking by Rodney Wilson
No. 12, 2002
1. Islamic House Financing in the United Kingdom: Problems, Challenges and Prospects by Humayon A. Dar
2. Islamic Finance and the FSA by Sir Howard Davies
3. The State of Islamic Finance in India: Strengths and Weaknesses by Shariq Nisar
4. Murabahah Financing: Some Controversial Issues by Beebee Salma Sairally
5. Ummatic Globalization Versus Neoclassical Capitalist Globalization: Formalism and Application by Masudul Alam Choudhury, Mubarak Al-Ghamdi and Yakubu Umar
No. 13, 2003
1. Islamic Political Economy by Masudul Alam Choudhury
2. Towards Islamic House Financing in the UK by Sir Edward George
3. Islamic Economics: Notes on Definition and Methodology by Monzer Kahf
4. Allocative Efficiency of Profit Maximization: An Islamic Perspective by Ruzita Mohd. Amin and Selamah Abdullah Yusof
No. 14, 2003
1. Islamic Banking in the Informal Sector: Interest-free Solutions in Non-Muslim Societies by Ausaf Ahmad
2. Ensuring Stability in the Islamic Financial System by Zeti Akhtar
3. Static and Dynamic Efficiency in the Sudanese Banking System by M. Kabir Hassan and Khaled A. Hussein
4. Development Through Participation: The Case of Misdirected Development in the Arab World by Ataul Haq Pramanik
5. Recent Developments in the Market for Islamic Mortgages: Theory and Practice by Robin Matthews, Issam Tlemsani and Aftab Siddiqui
Vol. 8, No. 1, 2004
1. A Note on Regulation of Markets in Islamic Perspective: An Institutional Approach by Ausaf Ahmad.
2. Micro-Money and Real Economic Relationship in the 100 per cent Reserve Requirement Monetary System by Masudul Alam Choudhury.
3. Prudential Regulation of Islamic Banks: An Analysis of Capital Adequacy Standards by Mansur A. Noibi.
4. The Gold Dinar: The Next Component in Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance by Ahamed Kameel Mydin Meera and Moussa Larbani.
5. Monetary Operations and Government Debt Management Under Islamic Banking by V. Sundararajan, David Marston and Ghiath Shabsigh.
6. Individual Freedom and Social Control: Human Nature Revisited: A Review Article by Ismail Sirageldin.
Vol. 8, No. 2, 2004
1. Management of Market Risk in Islamic Banks: A Survey by Abul Hasan and Antonious Antoniou
2. Project Financing in Islamic Perspective by Masudul Alam Choudhury and Mohammad Ziaul Hoque
3. Islamic Financing and Investments in Britain: The Growing Potential by Duncan Smith
4. A Brief History of Money in Islam and Estimating the Value of Dirham and Dìnar by M. Zarra Nezhad
5. Measuring The Efficiency of Islamic Banks: Criteria, Methods and Social Priorities by Zubair Hasan
Vol. 9, No. 1, 2005
1. Developing the Islamic Capital Market and Creating Liquidity by Stella Cox
2. Islamic Corporate Governance by Mervyn K. Lewis
3. Securitization: An Important Recipe for Islamic Banks - A Survey by Faizal Ahmad Manjoo
4. An Econometric Analysis of Conventional and Islamic Bank Deposits in Malaysia by Remali Yusoff and Rodney Wilson
Vol. 9, No. 2, 2005
1. Islamic Home Financing through Musharakah Mutanaqisah and al-Bay Bithaman Ajil Contracts: A Comparative Analysis by Ahamed Kameel Mydin Meera and Djuljastri Abdul Razak
2. Measuring Risk and Profitability for the Islamic Finacial Modes: The Experience of Islamic Sudanese Banks by Gaffar Abdalla Ahmad
3. The Development of Islamic Banking in Lebanon: Prospect and Future Challenges by Ali Salman Saleh and Rami Zeitun
4. The Concept and Nature of Labour in Islam: A Survey by Toseef Azid
5. Discussion Relevance of Economic Theory in The Economic Analysis of Financial Institution and Development by Osama Abdelwahab
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2006
1. Conference Review 5th Annual Islamic Finance Summit – Developing a Comprehensive System, organised by Euromoney Seminars, 24th-25th January 2006, Millennium Hotel, London, UK. by Zahida Aslam.
2. An Islamic Critique of the Capital Adequacy Requirement in Basle II as a Neo-Liberal Agency Underlying Capitalist Globalization. By Masudul Alam Choudhury.
3. Contemplating an Islamic Theory of Justice: Situating Tradition Amidst Modernity. By Zafar Iqbal.
4. Strategic Directions for Developing an Islamic Banking System. by Rukhsana Kalim and Suleman Aziz Lodhi
5. The Adoption of the UK Finance Bill Proposals on Islamic Finance into Islamic Banking in Australia. By Abu Umar Faruq Ahmad and M. Kabir Hassan
6. Three Decades of Experimentation: Rethinking the Theory of Islamic Banking. By Mohammed Boudjellal
Vol. 10, No. 2, 2006
1. Book Review The Pious Road to Development: Islamist Economics in Egypt. By Mohammed Zahid.
2. Integrating Money in Capital Theory: A Legal Perspective Towards Islamic Finance. By Iraj Toutounchian
3. Measuring Efficiency of Insurance and Takaful Companies in Malaysia Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). By Norma Md. Saad; M. Shabri Abd. Majid; Rosylin Mohd. Yusof; Jarita Duasa and Abdul Rahim Abdul Rahman
4. Conference Review Islamic Finance and Trade Conference: Working for the Common Good by Zahida Aslam
5. Investigating the Determining Role of Interest Rates: Comparing Selected Muslim and Non-Muslim Developing Countries by Mansour Zarra Nezhad and Heshmat Askari
6. The Theory and Practice of Islamic Management Style: The Experience of Bank Muamalat Indonesia by M. Luthfi Hamidi
7. Fiscal Decentralization and Economic Growth Nexus: Evidence from Province-level Cross-section Data for Indonesia by Abd. Ghafar B. Ismail and Muhammad Zilal Hamzah
8. The Efficiency of the Islamic Banking Industry in Malaysia: Foreign vs. Domestic Banks by Fadzlan Sufian
9. An Empirical Analysis of Islamic Bond Selection by Individual Dealers: Evidence from Malaysia by Kamisan Gadar and Rodney Wilson
Vol. 11, No.1, 2007
1. The Collection of Waqf through Insurance Companies: A Critical Analysis of the Malaysian Experience. By Ashraf bin Md. Hashim
2. Technical and Cost Efficiency of Islamic Banking in Malaysia by Hamim S. Ahmad Mokhtar, Naziruddin Abdullah and S. Musa AlHabshi
3. Islamic Political Economy: Contrasting Paradigms Between Democracy and Political Participation in Islam by Masudul Alam Choudhury and Mohammad Ziaul Hoque
4. Democracy, Economic Development and Maqasid Al-Shari’ah by Murat Çizakça
5. Political Corruption and its Implications for Development in the Arab World by Ataul Haq Pramanik
6. Islamic Banks in Jordan: Performance and Efficiency Analysis by Ali Salman Saleh and Rami Zeitun
Vol. 11, Special Issue, 2007
1. Cost, Revenue, and Profit Efficiency of Conventional versus Islamic Banks: Financial Ratios Approach. By Mohammed Khaled I. Bader, Shamsher Mohamad, Mohamad Ariff and Taufiq Hassan
2. Default and Recovery Rates on Islamic Banks Financing: Implications for the New Capital Adequacy Standard. By Abdul Ghafar Ismail and Ahmad Azam Sulaiman
3. Ends and Means in Islamic Banking and Finance M. By Kabir Hassan and Mervyn K. Lewis
4. Motivations of Australian Small Business Firms to Apply Profit-Loss Sharing Method of Finance. By Abul Khair Jalaluddin
5. Stock Exchanges Alliances in Organization of the Islamic Conference Countries. By M. Kabir Hassan and Jung-Suk Yu
6. The Ideal of Islamic Banking: A Survey of Stakeholder’s Perceptions. By Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki
7. Partnership, Equity-Financing and Islamic Finance: Whither Profit-Loss Sharing?. By Mohammad Omar Farooq
Vol. 11, No. 2, 2007
1. Efficiency Analysis of Islamic Banks in Africa, Asia and the Middle East Viverita. By Kym Brown and Michael Skully
2. Estimating the Profitability of Islamic Banking: Evidence from Bank Muamalat Indonesia. By Hylmun Izhar and Mehmet Asutay
3. Fifty Years of Malaysian Economic Development: Policies and Achievements. By Zubair Hasan
4. Iktinaz and Islamic Monetary Policy. By Ahmad F. Oran
5. Factors Influencing Knowledge of Islamic Banking Services: The Case of Malaysian Bank Managers. By Raihana Firdaus Seah Abdullah and Abdul Rahim Abdul Rahman
6. Theories of Profit and a Juristic Understanding of Legitimate Entitlement to Profit, by Muhammed Imran Ismail
7. Information-Communication Technology and Economic Growth in Malaysia by Mudiarasan Kuppusamy and Bala Shanmugam
Vol. 12 No. 1, 2008
1. What Does Islam Say About Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)?. By Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki
2. Book Review, Charles Tripp (2006). Islam and the Moral Economy. By Muhammad Akram Khan
Vol. 12 No. 2, 2008
1. Dynamic Relationship Between Monetary Policy and Bank Balance Sheet Items in Malaysia: A Comparison Between Islamic and Conventional Banks. By Salina Kassim, Rosylin Mohd. Yusuf and M. Shabri Abd. Majid.
2. Shari’ah Issues in Liquidity Risk Management: A Survey. By Rifki Ismail.
3. Aspects of Muslim Economic Thinking in the Eleventh Century (AH)/Seventeenth Century (CE). By Abdul Azim Islahi.
4. Assessing the Globalisation Performance of the Muslim Countries through Convergence Analysis. By Sayyed Abdolmajid Jalaie, Alireza Hassanzadeh Jezdani and Hamid Reza Horry.
5. Strengthening the Social Pillar. By Masudul Alam Choudhury
6. The Need for a New Approach to the Role in Socioeconomic Development of Waqf in the 21st Century. By Mohammed Boudjellal
7. The Relationship Between Monetary Policy and Islamic Stock Market. By Mohd Yahya Mohd Hussin and Mohd Faisol Ibrahim